Holistic Health and Wellbeing

A holistic approach to lead active and enjoyable lives

1. Introduction

We must look at our health and wellbeing in a holistic and integrated way, not focusing only on illness and disease but considering different aspects that are important to lead a meaningful, productive and satisfying life.
For example, a model of holistich health and wellbeing, as described in "Adding years to life and life to years" report, from the McKinsey Health Institute, is made of four dimensions:

Each health dimension can be associated with a health level.

2. Assess Your Health and Wellbeing

Assess each health dimension by answering each question with a value among Terrible, Poor, Okay, Good, and Excellent.


  1. How would you rate your diet and nutrition?
  2. How would you rate your level of physical activity?
  3. How would you rate your amount and quality of sleep?    
  4. How would you rate your ability to keep body, teeth, and hair clean daily?    
  5. How would you rate your ability to avoid the use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs?    
  6. How would you rate your ablity to see a doctor and dentist for regular checkups?    
The phyisical health level is


  1. How would you rate your mental health?
  2. How would you rate your ability to handle stress?
  3. How woud you rate your ability to express your feelings clearly and calmly, even when angry or sad?
  4. How woud you rate your ability to accept constructive criticism?
  5. How would you rate the awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and behavior?
  6. How would you rate the willingness to learn, think about new things and develop new skills?


  1. How would you rate the quality of your connections to friends and family?
  2. How would you rate your ability to be a good listener and to communicate clearly with others?
  3. How would you rate your ability to cope with fear?
  4. How would you rate your relationship with money?
  5. How well does your life align with your gifts, passions, and values?
  6. How well does your community support you and enable you to flourish?


  1. How would you rate your ability to feel meaning in life?
  2. How would you rate your ability to feel excited for the day in morning?
  3. How would you rate your ideals that you would like to achieve?
  4. How much faith do you have in your own future?
  5. How well you accept life as it comes?
  6. How grateful are you fo what life offers you?

For each health dimension, you get a number that represents your score, or health level, for that dimension. The health levels of the four health dimensions constitutes your overall health status.

3. Improve your health status

To keep or improve the health levels, and then the health status, we can act on some aspects that include what we put into our bodies, how we spend our time, when and how we move, what our minds and bodies are exposed to, and what we believe about the nature of reality, ourselves, and other people. The complete list of drivers can be found in "The secret to great health? Escaping the healthcare matrix report from MHI. Below you find a table with links to websites that contain advices on how to work on the various aspects.

Table 1. Holistic health aspects.

Category Aspect Characteristics Websites
Physical inputs
DietFood selection; portions; preparation; eating timing; macro/micro nutrients; fasting/calorie restriction; water consumptionHealthy Eating
Healthy Eating Plate
SupplementationFrequency; extent of use; type (eg, extracts, teas, vitamins, mineral, herb, botanicals, amino acids, metabolite, probiotics, caffeine)What are Food Supplements and Who Needs Them?
Dietary supplements
Substance useFrequency; extent of use; type (eg, alcohol, tobacco/nicotine, vaping, cocaine, marijuana, heroin, psilocybin)Self-help strategies for cutting down or stopping substance use
Substance Use Disorder (SUD)
MobilityMix of time by position; Standing, sitting, walking, posture, typing, neck position, use of fine motor skillsBack Health and Posture
Good posture tips
Mobility and Flexibility Exercises To Help You Move With Ease
ExerciseDuration; frequency; type (eg, sports, endurance, high intensity, strength/resistance, stability, flexibility, coordination, individual/group)Benefits of Physical Activity
Physical activity guidelines for adults aged 19 to 64
SleepQuality; duration; mix by stages; regularity; consistency; alignment to circadian rhythmAre You Getting Enough Sleep?
Proven Tips to Sleep Better at Night
Daily living
Productive activityWork, volunteering, caregiving, hobbies, worshipping, activism, playing music, arts/crafts, travelProductive Things You Can Do at Home
Productive Hobbies To Restore Overall Employee Health And Well-being
Social interactionConversations, meals, vocational interaction, friendships, physical intimacy, marriage/dating, activities; in-person or remoteHow to Improve Social Skills: 23 Tips to Help
How to Understand and Build Intimacy in Every Relationship
HygieneHandwashing, bathing, showering, oral care, ear protection, groomingPersonal hygiene
Creating a Personal Hygiene Routine: Tips and Benefits
NatureTime among forests, flowers, bodies of water, wildlife/insects, mountains; day/night skyHow Does Nature Impact Our Wellbeing?
Tips for time outdoors: How exposure to nature positively affects mental health
SensoryScreens; sun/exterior light; type/degree of interior light; noise—type, intensity, durationSunlight and Your Health
Sound levels and their relevance
StressResponse to physical, emotional and/or mental challenge (pressure, trauma, excitement); acute and chronic; includes eustressStress
Tips to Manage Stress
State of being
Mindsets/beliefsAttitudes/perspectives toward all aspects of life: religion/philosophy, optimism, agency, nature of people, purpose, hopeWhat are the Benefits of a Positive Attitude & Tips To Keep Positive
Positive Mindset: 17 Ways to Develop a Happier Mind
Body compositionBody fat by type of fat; lean muscle mass; morbid obesityWhat Is Body Composition?
How to Improve Body Composition With Nutrition and Exercise
Detection/diagnosisMonitoring; testing; screenings; genetic testing; diagnosis of risk factors, disease and/or conditionsScreening Tests for Common Diseases
CHAPE symptom checker and medical examinations
Clinical interventionAll forms of clinical treatment: surgeries, device implant, pharmacologic; therapy; hearing aids; other medical devicesTypes of clinical interventions
Pharmaceutical Therapy
AdherenceExtent to which an individual follows a prescribed treatment plan including interventions, extent, frequency, duration, methodThe importance of medical adherence
8 reasons patients don't take their medications